Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lazy Day

I lost my teeth when I was only 16 so I am always stressing the importance of brushing your teeth
to the grandchildren........I was so lucky with my own kids, never had to say a thing they were good about their teeth but the grandchildren.....another story..

Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth
Oh, I wish I’d looked after me teeth,
 And spotted the dangers beneath
 All the toffees I chewed,
 And the sweet sticky food.
 Oh, I wish I’d looked after me teeth.
I wish I’d been that much more willin’
When I had more tooth there than fillin’
To give up gobstoppers,
 From respect to me choppers,
 And to buy something else with me shillin’.
When I think of the lollies I licked
 And the liquorice allsorts I picked,
 Sherbet dabs, big and little,
 All that hard peanut brittle,
 My conscience gets horribly pricked.
My mother, she told me no end,
‘If you got a tooth, you got a friend.’
I was young then, and careless,
 My toothbrush was hairless,
 I never had much time to spend.
Oh I showed them the toothpaste all right,
 I flashed it about late at night,
 But up-and-down brushin’
And pokin’ and fussin’
Didn’t seem worth the time – I could bite!
If I’d known I was paving the way
 To cavities, caps and decay,
 The murder of fillin’s,
 Injections and drillin’s,
 I’d have thrown all me sherbet away.
So I lie in the old dentist’s chair,
 And I gaze up his nose in despair,
 And his drill it do whine
 In these molars of mine.
‘Two amalgam,’ he’ll say, ‘for in there.’

How I laughed at my mother’s false teeth,
 As they foamed in the waters beneath.
 But now comes the reckonin’
It’s methey are beckonin’
Oh, I wish I’d looked after me teeth.
Oh it was a hot one yesterday, rain in the night sun in the day perfect..A good day for a BBQ
and a salad.....
Also picked up lovely strawberries, so sweet so Strawberry shortcakes...what more can you ask for.
Moncton had another scare this week, fortunately it was only a scare , poor guy went into Princess Auto with leaf springs in a bag and someone call 911 thinking it was a gun...oh I guess we are all timid right now.
People in Fredericton and Miramichi still without power, one lady on my facebook has decided she is ready to go Amish.... she is looking for a little white hat.. its good some can joke about it all. Power companies are trying their best.
Kate went to dentist, has to have 4 wisdom teeth out.....
See you tomorrow...

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