There were a number of times some of the family got together during Covid when finally we could gather together and best described in pictures
Went to Fredericton to meet Scott’s family and cross the walking bridge.
Susan and Rob gave Malcolm a couple of tickets to the world hockey for Christmas, they went to 3 games.
Christmas at Sue and Rob’s, it was so nice to pass on tradition to the family 2022. Was great to be together, Rob’s parents had breakfast with them and we went at suppertime. Trent and Vero went Christmas Eve to Vero’s parents and to lunch on Christmas Day then to Sue and Rob’s for supper.
Halloween 2022….for Jaxson
Get together with my Shannon cousins for Cousin Jeans birthday, her 90th… very honoured they always include Malcolm and I.
Malcolm’s brother George and his wife Mickie visit Moncton to meet Jaxson.
Met up with Chemo Angel Judy Preston and her son and his wife from Russell, Manitoba who came to Moncton for a wedding. We had spent a week together with other chemo Angels from across Canada about 10 years ago.
Met up with my cousin Brenda and Winston on a mystery tour which went to Antigonish, NS