Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Happy 48th Anniversary


A glimpse of the day Aug 29, 1970........

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A day trip to St Andrews

Was Shiretown Inn

Brunch smoked salmon, poached egg and fruit with a potato

Relaxing on the veranda of the Algonquin Hotel, beautiful spot with a coffee and a
great view.
Arrived by 10 am and spent the day roaming through the town.
A beautiful and well kept garden near the Algonquin hotel. We spent about an hour there



made of plastic glasses

The tree where Malcolm buried his money from people staying at the Inn where his dad worked.

and phone works, local calls 10 cents



Monday, August 20, 2018


4 days ago


Malcolm Jr's plants
 Kate was over on the weekend and decided to paint rocks, I love the apple one.  she worked away
at it outside at the table and after I put outside in our yard.

I was ready to throw all plants in the garbage last week and with the change in temperatures,the flowers turned around and came back to life again.  Got a lot of cherry tomatoes and lots more to come on Malcolms plants yet. 


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